
EMT MDS Daily Report

US/JP-DMAT Joint Exercise

To support data based coordination, all international EMTs are requested to send the WHO EMT Minimum Data Set (MDS) daily report to the EMTCC.  

For those EMTs in operation, please ensure that the MDS is completed on a daily basis. This is critical for both surveillance and operational planning.

    • 保健医療調整福祉調整本部による医療調整を支援するために、全ての国際医療チームはWHO標準ミニマムデータセット診療日報(MDS)を提出してください

    • 活動中の医療チームはMDSを連日提出してください。MDS日報はサーベイランスとオペレーションの両面から不可欠です。

Steps for MDS reporting(報告手順)

  1. Get the MDS Tools for EMT (Excel Program/PowerPoint) (ツールの入手)

  2. Tick in the MDS tick box for every consultation(診療毎にMDSをチェック☑)

  3. Use the MDS Maker (Excel program) to make MDS Daily Report data files(CSV) (エクセルにデータ入力)

  4. Send the MDS files to EMTCC by Email ( data.jpn@mdsgateway.net ). (調整本部への提出)

Files to be sent: Two types of CSV data files (IP, DR) made by the MDS-Maker. (提出電子データによる

Please send files by 8PM daily until further instructions.(指示あるまではPM8時までに提出

In case there is no network, please bring the files to EMTCC physically.インターネットがなければ本部来訪にて報告)

Tools for EMT (Excel Program/PowerPoint) (ツール)


  • To adopt country specific context, MDS19-22 will be suggested as additional items.

  • In case one EMT provided clinical services at two places, the EMT is requested to send two daily reports by places.

  • 災害の状況に応じて、MDS19~22は追加症候群として保健医療調整本部が指定します。

  • 日報は診療場所ごとに作成することとし、複数個所の巡回診療を実施した場合は複数枚作成してください。

Technical support for the EMT MDS Daily Report

Mobile-Whatsapp: +81-80-7014-1029




This website has been developed by Grants for Research on Policy Planning and Evaluation from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan

(grant numbers:19IA2014; principal Investigator Yuichi Koido)





(研究代表者 小井土雄一)